

After Piggy's death, everything on the island went out of control, the boys Jack, Ralph, Sam, Erick and Roger, they reach a critical state of mind, and each one dies from different causes, having no food or water, and the death of his friends, the hope of the boys was ending, After Roger has killed Piggy, the rationality and civilization disappear, and Roger comes to feel very guilty that this leads to suicide days later hanging in a tree; Jack decides to take an independent course, and away from the other boys, then days after much hunger and thirst, he dies after trying to kill a pig because his hunger was much that his desperation led him to stumble over a rock and die, the other guys found him days later, and they bury him, afraid that the next one will be one of them, because they believed that the one who killed him was the beast, After only three of the boys are left, Sam goes crazy because of the fear of the beast and the island, and Ralph forced him to kill him with a kni...


For me christmas is the worse event of the year, christmas make the people fake, in this stage of the year is the one when people give some gifts and try to be good, but the rest of the year that people not even help you in a little thing, thats why i hate christmas; they force you to go to events with your family, and is the only day of the year that you seen them, your family tries to nice with you, but the rest of the year they not even talk you. All the show that the christmas make, only for one day, is ridiculous, I hate christmas, make me feel bad, make me feel that the mayority of the people are false, and only show their good face in that event, christmas should be all the year, because you dont need only a day to be good and give gifts to people, you have to make that all the year. 


                                        LEADERSHIP  Not everyone can be a great leader, you have to know how to guide people and make them better, also have some qualities and do some activities to achieve a good leadership, like encourage creativity make that people can express their creativity, serves like a role model with the idealized influence in people to make the better, also be passionate achieve a genuine passion and enthusiasm for the projects they work on, listen and communicate effectivily, have a possitive actitude, encourage people to make contibutions, offer rewards and recognition, but the most important, motivate your people with motivated people you can achieve any goal you or they propuse, and with efffort you can complete that goals. https://www.google.com.ec/search?q=leadership&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjPqqLC4IffA...

Link Video about Languages


English Language in the World

English is the third most spoken language in all the world, after chinese and spanish, but is the most important; the most of the people talk english, is the global language that the people used to communicate everywhere, our primary source of communication in almost all the world, also is the  one that has more importance in being learned, is necessary for express our way of thinking to everyone. https://www.google.com.ec/search?safe=strict&biw=1203&bih=713&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=rC3uW6mOGMHl5gLph7WIAw&q=english+is+everywhere&oq=english+is+everywhere&gs_l=img.3...207720.212506.0.212635.
Slave Labor  Slave Labor is a forced and injustice work that is done by people that are treated as animals or worse, that people are called slaves, this people are people that dont have human rights, they are  legal property of another person and is forced to obey them and do things for them, slave labor is a completely unfair work, that in the present this almost does not happen because now almost all the people have human rights and slave labor is illegal in the mayority of countries in the world. https://www.google.com.ec/search?q=slave+labor&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwieuLHstZ3eAhXFmVkKHa0ZDfsQ_AUIDigB&biw=1203&bih=713#imgrc=Cw117AzSHhFtIM: