Slave Labor Slave Labor is a forced and injustice work that is done by people that are treated as animals or worse, that people are called slaves, this people are people that dont have human rights, they are legal property of another person and is forced to obey them and do things for them, slave labor is a completely unfair work, that in the present this almost does not happen because now almost all the people have human rights and slave labor is illegal in the mayority of countries in the world. https://www.google.com.ec/search?q=slave+labor&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwieuLHstZ3eAhXFmVkKHa0ZDfsQ_AUIDigB&biw=1203&bih=713#imgrc=Cw117AzSHhFtIM: